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Where Cleveland Head-On Collisions are Most Likely to Occur

Cleveland auto accident attorneyWhen two cars collide from the front and strike each other directly, the accident is referred to as a head-on collision. Head-on crashes frequently result in fatalities, or in serious impairing injuries. These accidents are especially dangerous because the direct head-on strike of the two cars exacerbates force and multiplies momentum. The body thus must absorb a greater amount of force due to the direct impact.

The Ohio Department of Public Safety reports a total of 5,011 head-on collisions in 2014.  Of these head-on collisions, 129 resulted in fatalities and 4,494 resulted in motorists sustaining injuries. Only angle crashes and non-collisions between two vehicles in transport resulted in more fatalities, and both of these types of crashes occurred significantly more often than head-on crashes; for example, there were 62,801 angle crashes, which caused 201 deaths.

Since head-on crashes are disproportionately deadly, it is important for motorists and for lawmakers to learn where Cleveland head-on collisions are most likely to happen so steps can be taken to reduce the number of head-on crashes which occur.

Where Do Head-On Crashes Occur in Cleveland?

Head-on crashes occur primarily in country locations, with 75 percent of all head-on collisions nationwide occurring in rural areas. Safety Transportation also reported 75 percent of head-on collisions happened on two lane undivided roads.  Head-on crashes on undivided roads occur when drivers are going around curves in 23 percent of cases and otherwise typically occur when drivers are going straight; however, one driver is passing another in the incorrect lane in 4.2 percent of head-on crashes on these road types.

Highways, off-ramps, and on-ramps are also common locations where head-on collisions are very common.  In Cleveland in 2014, there were a total of 10 fatal collisions and 806 injury collisions which happened while motorists were on on-ramps. There were 11 fatal collisions with motorists on off-ramps. There were also 806 injury collisions and 3,383 total crashes on on-ramps and 980 injury collisions and 3,254 crashes on off-ramps. While not all of these accidents were head-on, some of the crashes did involve drivers striking each other's cars directly. Head-on crashes on on-ramps, off-ramps, and freeways occur often when drivers get onto these roads going in the wrong direction.

Better signage warning motorists not to pass in unsafe areas, and not to enter roads in the direction of opposing traffic, could help to reduce head-on collisions.  "No Enter" signs should also be lower than they are, according to NBC, so drivers can see them more easily with headlights and because drunk drivers may see lower signs more easily since they tend to keep heads lower.  Drivers also need to be careful, follow pavement markings, stay sober, and avoid distraction behind the wheel.  Knowing where high-risk areas are and taking steps to make these locations safer is very important to preventing head-on crashes from occurring.

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