Personal Injury Lawyers

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Doylestown, OH – Two-Vehicle Crash on OH-21 near Edwards Rd

Doylestown, OH (April 20, 2024) – The police and firefighters were called to the scene of a major accident that occurred on Friday morning in Doylestown. Authorities were notified of the accident at around 6:40 a.m. on April 19.

Reports show that two vehicles collided on Ohio Route 21. The incident prompted authorities to close down the roadway near Edwards Road as they worked to remove the involved vehicles. One person involved in the crash was injured. EMS responded to the crash to treat the injured victim and transport them to a local hospital. No information as to that person’s identity is available at this time. The accident is being investigated.

We hope the injured victim recovers quickly following this accident.

The aftermath of a car accident can be physically, emotionally, and financially overwhelming. That's why choosing the right attorney is crucial for maximizing your chances of receiving fair compensation for your injuries. At Merriman Legal, LLC, we are committed to vigorously advocating for our clients' rights and securing the evidence necessary to build a strong case.

Cars entering a roadway while people walk above on an overpass.Our team understands the urgency of taking action and gathering vital information, such as video recordings from area traffic cameras or commercial properties. For this reason, our Rapid Response team works quickly to ensure all available footage is collected before it is deleted and gone forever. With our experience and genuine caring attitude, you can trust us to fight for your rights and help you navigate through this difficult time with confidence and peace of mind. Do not wait to get started on your path toward recovery. Contact our experienced Ohio personal injury law firm at (216) 522-9000 today.

Note: These posts are generated solely for Merriman Legal, LLC. The facts and information utilized to create these posts were collected and gathered through the use of secondary sources such as news organizations, police reports, and social media platforms, as well as first-hand eyewitness accounts about injury accidents that happen in and around North Eastern Ohio. We have not independently verified all facts pertaining to this accident. If you find any inaccuracies, please contact us to update the post. If you want a post removed from our site, let us know, and we’ll remove it as soon as possible.  

Disclaimer: This post is not intended as a solicitation for business. None of the information contained herein should be construed as medical or legal advice. Additionally, please be aware that the photo featured in this post was not taken at the accident scene.

Categories: Legal News
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