Personal Injury Lawyers

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Beachwood, OH – Car Crash with Injuries on US-422 near OH-175

Beachwood, OH (May 25, 2024) – Emergency crews were requested at the scene of an automobile accident that occurred in the Beachwood area and ended in injuries. Authorities were called to the scene at around 11:55 a.m. on May 22.

According to law enforcement reports, a white 2015 Ford Edge was traveling eastbound on US Route 422. The vehicle was utilizing the left lane. As the vehicle stopped for a red traffic control device just west of Ohio State Route 175, it was struck in the rear by a blue 2019 vehicle. One person involved in the crash was injured. Emergency medical services responded to the scene and provided care to 59-year-old Denise Littlepage. The victim was transported by Beachwood Fire Department EMS to UH Ahuja Medical Center in Beachwood, Ohio, for further medical care. The accident is being investigated at this time.

Our thoughts go out to Denise Littlepage. We hope for her full recovery.

A pickup truck makes a right turn at an intersection.In Ohio, having video proof can significantly impact your personal injury claim following a car accident. This footage is often erased within 72 hours, emphasizing the need for immediate action and legal advice. At Merriman Legal, LLC, our Rapid Response team is focused on obtaining this crucial evidence as soon as we become aware of your case, so it is imperative to call us immediately.

We recognize the significance of constructing a compelling case for our clients and will go above and beyond to ensure they have a chance at justice. If you've suffered injuries in a car accident, reach out to our experienced Beachwood car accident lawyers for a complimentary consultation at (216) 522-9000 without delay. Time is of the essence, and we are devoted to aiding you in seeking the justice and compensation you are entitled to.

Note: These posts are generated solely for Merriman Legal, LLC. The facts and information utilized to create these posts were collected and gathered through the use of secondary sources such as news organizations, police reports, and social media platforms, as well as first-hand eyewitness accounts about injury accidents that happen in and around North Eastern Ohio. We have not independently verified all facts pertaining to this accident. If you find any inaccuracies, please contact us to update the post. If you want a post removed from our site, let us know, and we’ll remove it as soon as possible.

Disclaimer: This post is not intended as a solicitation for business. None of the information contained herein should be construed as medical or legal advice. Additionally, please be aware that the photo featured in this post was not taken at the accident scene.

Categories: Legal News
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