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Euclid, OH – One Hurt in Motor Vehicle Collision on E 250th St

Euclid, OH (June 9, 2024) – A motor vehicle accident reported in the Euclid area sent one person to an area hospital with injuries. The collision was reported to the Euclid Police Department at around 9:10 p.m. on June 6.

According to police reports, a silver 2020 Ford Explorer was traveling northbound on East 250th Street, through the area near Ellsworth Avenue. At the same time, a silver Honda Civic was traveling northbound on the roadway. As the driver of the Ford Explorer attempted to change lanes, they failed to yield the right-of-way to the Honda Civic. As a result, the two vehicles collided. The impact of the crash caused one of the vehicles to spin out clockwise and strike a tree. One person involved in the accident was injured. The victim, identified as 45-year-old Angelo John Ciarlillo, was transported to an area hospital for medical care. At this time, the incident is under investigation.

Our thoughts go out to Angelo John Ciarlillo at this time.

Ambulance speeding down a city street for an emergency.Following a car accident, it's common to feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to seek help. This is why turning to an experienced Euclid car accident attorney is vital for safeguarding your rights and securing the compensation you're entitled to.

At Merriman Legal, LLC, our commitment lies in advocating for justice on behalf of our clients and leveraging all available resources to construct compelling cases that yield positive outcomes. Our Rapid Response team is dedicated to working tirelessly to gather video evidence before it's erased, maximizing the chances of success in your case.

Allow us to manage the legal aspects while you concentrate on your recovery. Reach out to us today at (216) 522-9000 to arrange a complimentary consultation and take the initial step towards rebuilding after a traumatic car accident. Let us help you move forward and get back on track following this challenging experience.

Note: These posts are generated solely for Merriman Legal, LLC. The facts and information utilized to create these posts were collected and gathered through the use of secondary sources such as news organizations, police reports, and social media platforms, as well as first-hand eyewitness accounts about injury accidents that happen in and around North Eastern Ohio. We have not independently verified all facts pertaining to this accident. If you find any inaccuracies, please contact us to update the post. If you want a post removed from our site, let us know, and we’ll remove it as soon as possible.  

Disclaimer: This post is not intended as a solicitation for business. None of the information contained herein should be construed as medical or legal advice. Additionally, please be aware that the photo featured in this post was not taken at the accident scene.

Categories: Legal News
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