Personal Injury Lawyers

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Broadview Heights, OH – Injury Accident on E Royalton Rd

Broadview Heights, OH (January 31, 2024) – The Broadview Heights Police Department responded to the scene of a car crash that occurred on Tuesday evening and ended in injuries. Authorities were notified of the crash just before 5:10 p.m. on January 30.

According to police reports, a collision involving three cars took place in the 400 block of East Royalton Road. The incident resulted in injuries. The seriousness of those injuries is unknown at this time. Emergency medical services were requested to care for injured victims and to transport those who required further attention to local hospitals. At this time, the Broadview Heights Police Department is investigating.

Our thoughts go out to those hurt as a result of this collision.

Cars driving on a divided highway.After being hurt in a car crash, taking legal action immediately is imperative. Waiting to protect your rights can result in the loss of evidence, which can make it difficult to prove your case. Having a dedicated legal team on your side can make all of the difference when it comes to securing evidence in a timely fashion.

At Merriman Legal, LLC, we are dedicated to helping our clients receive the justice and compensation they deserve after a motor vehicle accident. Our seasoned Ohio car accident lawyers work tirelessly to build strong cases and gather evidence fast, ensuring that our clients' rights are protected.

We understand the impact that a car accident can have on your life and are committed to fighting for your rights with determination and skill. If you have been injured in a car accident, contact our Ohio personal injury law firm by calling (216) 522-9000 for a free consultation. Let our dedicated legal advocates help you get the compensation you need to move forward from this difficult time. Trust in Merriman Legal, LLC for compassionate and individualized legal assistance tailored specifically to your case.

Note: These posts are generated solely for Merriman Legal, LLC. The facts and information utilized to create these posts were collected and gathered through the use of secondary sources such as news organizations, police reports, and social media platforms, as well as first-hand eyewitness accounts about injury accidents that happen in and around North Eastern Ohio. We have not independently verified all facts pertaining to this accident. If you find any inaccuracies, please contact us to update the post. If you want a post removed from our site, let us know, and we’ll remove it as soon as possible.  

Disclaimer: This post is not intended as a solicitation for business. None of the information contained herein should be construed as medical or legal advice. Additionally, please be aware that the photo featured in this post was not taken at the accident scene.

Categories: Legal News
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